This information is for Isora GRC users.
Whether you are participating in a unit assessment, application assessment, or third-party vendor product assessment, the process for filling out a survey questionnaire is the same.
At the top of the survey page, you will see an area titled “Instructions.” You local Isora GRC administrator uses this area to provide specific guidance to help you with the survey, so you should probably read it first! You can click the small triangle next to the Instructions heading to collapse the instructions when you’re finished with them.

Questionnaire Categories
Each questionnaire is a list of questions that is broken down into one or more categories. By default, the categories are collapsed, so you’ll have to expand them to view the underlying questions.

Answering Questions
For each question, answer it to the best of your knowledge. You may need to provide additional clarification and or supporting documentation. When you’re done, click the checkmark (which pops up when you mouse over the right-hand side of the question) to mark the question as done. If you need to make a change later, it will still be possible to do so until the survey is finalized.

If you need to or want to upload supporting documentation, you can click the attachments area or drag a file onto it. Fill out the fields in the pop-up and click Save. Note that not all questions are set up to allow you to upload and attachment.

You can upload multiple attachments. The expiration date and description are not currently used.
Saving your progress
In a future update of Isora GRC, progress will automatically be saved. Currently, you should periodically mark your answers as done to save your progress. If you navigate away from the survey page without marking your answers as done, your progress will be lost.
Editing a question that’s already marked as done
To reopen a question that’s already done, mouse over the right-hand side to bring up the small X and click it.

Marking multiple questions as done
To save time, instead of marking individual questions as done, you can mark entire sections by using the checkbox at the top of that section. You could also fill out the entire survey, then go back up to the top and mark it as done. If any questions have not been answered or have required fields that were not completed, you’ll get an error message.

Delegating questions
If you are filling out a survey internally from Isora GRC (that is, not using an external link to fill out a vendor survey), you may be able to delegate entire categories of questions to other people. At the right-hand side of the category heading, click the delegate button.

In the pop-up, choose the people you want to delegate to. These people are referred to as “question delegates.” Question delegates will only see those categories that are directly delegated to them, unless they also have some role that allows them to see more. If the delegation notification is enabled (that’s something only superusers can set up), they will receive an email to let them know about it.

Only people with an appropriate role (Assessment Managers, IT Staff) or superusers can delegate questions to other users. The question delegates do not have to have any specific role or permission, they just have to have an account in Isora GRC.
Completing a questionnaire
Once all questions have been marked as done, the questionnaire is complete. For vendor surveys, that means the entire survey is complete and is ready to be signed and attested. For application and unit surveys, when the questionnaire is complete, a box will pop up showing that the questionnaire is completed and awaiting acknowledgment. If you have an Assessment Manager role in the targeted unit, then you’ll be able to do the acknowledgment on the questionnaire part of the survey.