How-To: Repeat a Previous Unit Assessment

1 min read

This information is for superusers.

Many types of assessments need to be performed on a regular basis. Unit assessments are particularly complicated to set up. There is a step in the New Assessment wizard that makes it very easy to repeat a unit assessment.

  1. From the Assessments page, click the New Assessment button.
  1. On the New Assessment dialog, choose Unit.
  1. On the New Unit Assessment dialog, choose Renew a Past Assessment.
  1. You will see a list of past unit assessments, group by series. Choose the one you want to repeat, then click Next Step.
  1. The wizard jumps forward to the end. You will need to enter a new name and due date, and click the checkmarks next to the new items.
  1. At this point, if you need to make any other changes (such as adding or removing units, changing the question list, or enabling or disabling asset enrichment), you can navigate back through the wizard to do so. You can also modify the launch options at the bottom of the page. Finally, click Publish or Launch to finish setting up the assessment.
    You won’t be able to make any changes once you hit Publish or Launch. If you want to individually launch each survey (possibly with different launch options) at a future time, then you should use Publish. Otherwise, if you’re ready to launch them all now, then use Launch.

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