Only superusers can work with answer choices.
From the Settings page, click “Response Choices” and make sure the “Answer Choices” tab is active. Use this window to view and work with existing answer choices. A group of answer choices is used to make up an answer response group.
Each time new surveys are published, all questions including relevant answer response groups and answer choices are snapshotted. So any changes made won’t affect earlier iterations of the answer choice which may have been used on previous assessments.
Individual answer choices can only be removed if they are not currently assigned to an answer response group.
Rather than individually adding answer choices, you can upload a CSV of them. Use the following format:
Field number | Field name | Meaning | Required? |
1 | text | actual text of the answer choice | yes |
2 | code | unique identifier for the answer choice | yes |
3 | multiplier | this value multiplied by the question value gives the score for this answer | yes |
4 | description | additional details to provide more information if the user needs help on this choice | no |
See also: Reference: Working With Answer Response Groups How-To: Create a New Answer Choice