What’s New
HECVAT Responses Uploader
You and your vendors can upload a HECVAT to an existing Survey in Isora.
Supported HECVAT versions include v2.11 and up. Isora determines the HECVAT version based on the questions during the upload.
- Steps to upload a HECVAT:
- Ensure the Question List name contains the word “HECVAT.”
- Verify the HECVAT file is compatible with the version used in your Isora instance.
- Upload the HECVAT file as an .xlsx.
- Create and launch a Vendor Assessment.
- Select “Upload HECVAT” within the Survey, choose the file, and upload.
- Save the responses.
New Applications User Interface
The updated Applications interface improves search, filter, and personalization capabilities for your Application inventory.
Key Features:
- Application Form Customizations: Users can customize fields below by contacting Customer Support.
- Name
- Description
- Vertical
- Vendor Product
- Classification
- Categories
- Priority
- Contacts
- Deployments
- URLs
- Created
- Last Edited
- Most Recently Assessed
- Sorting Options: Show/Hide headers and Sort alphabetically and numerically:
- Name
- Classification
- Categories
- Priority
- Vertical
- Most Recently Assessed (Mean)
- Owners People
- Created Date
- Last Edited
- App Management: Easily Delete or Copy app URLs through the “More Options” field.
- Sidebar Details: View all Application details, including Assessments and Files, from the sidebar.
- API Endpoints:
- /api/assessments?app=<uuid> to view Application-related Assessments.
- /api/documentation to view all file details.
- API Endpoints:
- Searchbar: Quickly search Applications by Name.
Risk Register Enhancements:
- Customizable Risk Scores Matrix: Customize Risk Scale Labels and Values. Contact Customer Support to make changes.
- X-axis: Impacts
- Y-axis: Likelihoods
- Past Risk Entry Due Date: You can now set the Risk Entry Due Date to a date in the past.
- Customizable Risk Fields: Contact Customer Support to modify Risk Fields:
- Org
- Category
- ID
- Risk
- Inherent
- Current
- Target
- Due
- Status
- Inherent Impact
- Inherent Likelihood
- Current Impact
- Current Likelihood
- Target Impact
- Target Likelihood
- Notes
- Description
- Target Mitigation Control
- Current Mitigation Control
- Assignees
- Treatment
- Priority
- Risk Record Editing: Risk Assignees can now seamlessly edit Risk Records.
Bug Fixes and Improvements:
- Fixed a bug that caused issues when creating Application Assessments. You can now create them without errors.
- Fixed an issue where the Third-Party Inventory tab was incorrectly routed to “/inventory/vendors.” It now correctly routes to “/newui/inventory/vendors.”
- Assessment Managers can now Launch an Assessment directly from the Assessments table.
- For Third-Party Vendor Assessments, the Vendor Vertical comparison widget now displays, allowing quick comparison between the Third-Party Vendor Product score and the Vendor Vertical.
API Updates:
New API Endpoint: api/appdeployments allows updating of App Deployments.
- Example:
"id": "app_deployment_uuid",
"app": "app_uuid",
"app_name": "app_name",
"host": "host_uuid",
"host_info": {
"names": [
"description": "description",
"ips": ["ip"],
"macs": ["mac"]
"environment": "environment_code",
"installation_paths": ["installation_path"],
"urls": [
"version": "",
"notes": "",
"data": null