Users: How-To: Add a Third-Party Vendor Product into Inventory

Instructions on adding third-party vendor products into inventory using old or new UI

1 min read

This information is for users who have a vendor requester, IT staff or assessment manager role, or superusers.

Instructions Using the Old UI

  1. Go to the Products tab of the Inventory page and click the New Product button.

  1. Fill in the fields and click Save.

You can also add a new product into inventory by creating an assessment for it.

Instructions Using the New UI

  1. On the Inventory page, Third-Parties view, if you need to create a new vendor, use the + button up at the top next to the search bar.
  1. Fill in the fields to create the vendor (if necessary).
  1. If you created a new vendor, it pops you into a page where you can then create a new product underneath that vendor.
  1. If you want to create a product underneath an existing vendor, use the + button on the right-hand side next to the vendor name.
  1. Fill in the fields to create the product.

See also: Reference: Roles and Capabilities

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