To help clarify the usage of answer choice and answer response group CSVs, here are a few examples. Imagine you have some questions where Yes is the desired answer and some where No is the desired answer, with no partial credit. You also have questions with responses ranging from Not Implemented to Fully Implemented, with a few options in between.
Example Answer Choices CSV
Yes, yes-1, Yes best answer, 1
No, no-0, No worst answer, 0
Yes, yes-0, Yes worst answer, 0
No, no-1, No best answer, 1
Not Implemented, not-impl, 0
Partially Implemented, part-impl, .5
Fully Implemented, full, 1
You can combine these answer choices in different ways to create several answer response groups.
Example Answer Response Groups CSV
Yes1-no0, Yes is preferred choice, yes-1|no-0
No1-yes0, No is preferred choice, yes-0|no-1
ImplementationScheme, Fully implemented is preferred, full|part-impl|not-impl