Reference: Questions CSV Upload

2 min read

Only superusers can upload questions. The CSV has a lot of fields and some of them are dependent on each other. All fields are required unless otherwise noted.

Field NameDetails
textThe text of the question itself
parentThe text of the parent question; leave it blank if this question has no parent
question_categoryThe parent category for this question (must match the parent question's category if a parent question was specified)
show_if_parentThis field determines whether this child question should be displayed at all, based on the answer to the parent question. The options are: “y” for if favorable, “n” for if unfavorable
explanation_requiredUnder what circumstances does the question require an additional open-ended response? “f” for when favorable, “u“ for when unfavorable, “a for always, “n” for never
weightWeight value for scoring- “c” for critical, “h” for high, “m” for medium, “l” for low, or “i” for informational
allow_explanationDo you want to allow additional explanation, even if not required? “true” or “false”
help_textText that will be displayed as help for the question.
question_response_groupText representing the name of the answer response group
documentation_requiredUnder what circumstances does the question require supporting documentation upload? “f” for when favorable, “u“ for when unfavorable, “a for always, “n” for never
allow_documentationDo you want to allow supporting documentation upload, even if not required? “true” or “false”

This field is optional and may be left blank.

This field is required if a parent question is specified; NOTE in current version of Isora GRC there is a bug such that this field is required even if there is no parent. The value can be “y” or “n” since it will be ignored.

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